Posted by & filed under Connective Touch.

IMG_0189Welcome and thank you for visiting the Connective Touch Therapeutic Massage blog.  I am Meaghan Maillet, a massage therapist and the owner of Connective Touch Therapeutic Massage.  Through this blog, I hope to share information about myself, my journey as a massage therapist and business owner, and information about how therapeutic massage and bodywork may help you in your quest for health and wellbeing.  There will be recurring themes throughout this blog. A few that pop into mind are 1) I am a big believer in serendipity, being in the right place at the right time, kismet, Divine intervention, Karma, whatever you want to call it, 2) ice is your friend and 3) it’s ALL connected… Connective Touch Therapeutic Massage.

So what about the name?  I may be biased but I think I attended one of the best massage schools in the Universe, Educating Hands School of Massage in Miami, Florida.  The curriculum was a perfect balance of science, history and theory and practical (hands on) learning. In our science classes (Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology) I became fascinated with how interrelated the different systems and tissues of the body are.  How perfectly they work together to maintain homeostasis or balance…and how when one part isn’t working properly, it effects the balance of the whole.  It’s all connected.  While the focus of the practical part of the curriculum was on Swedish technique, every other week or so we would have a lecture/demonstration of a different form of bodywork so that when we graduated we would have a better idea of areas of specialty we could pursue.  We learned about Chinese Tuina, Japanese Shiatsu, and Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi.  We experienced Russian, Turkish and Native American forms of hydrotherapy. We learned about sports massage, prenatal massage, equine and canine massage. They were all so unique in the approach, and yet the goal of health was same.  It’s all connected.

So as graduation got closer, my classmates and I often exchanged ideas for business names.  I knew I didn’t want one of the cliché names like “Meaghan’s Magic Hands”, I wanted something that reflected my philosophy.  As I tried to pinpoint my philosophy and views of how massage benefits not only the body, but also the mind and spirit the word “integration” kept entering my head.  But I had worked for a company with “Integrative” in the title so that was out.  I thought about the universal scope of massage and bodywork, but “Universal Touch” was already taken by Margie Meshew (more about Margie and an amazing trip to Thailand in another blog post).  So I pondered and I thought and I pondered some more until eventually I decided upon Connective Touch, because after all…it’s all connected.

One Response to “Introducing Connective Touch Therapeutic Massage”

  1. Debbie Selburg Ayers

    I am very happy and excited about your new business endeavor. The information about your education and philosophy is fascinating and I’ll be looking forward to following your blog. I am confident you will have a thriving business and will continue helping your clients with their health and well being for many years to come. My best wishes for your continued success!


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