Those of you who know me well, know that I am not a fan of the pharmaceutical approach to health, except when absolutely necessary. Don’t get me wrong, I believe there are some amazing medicines out there that have saved countless lives. But in our fast paced world, we look for the quick fix for… Read more »
Posts Tagged: reno
To Your Health!
I recently had a piece of art commissioned for my massage office by my niece, Rebecca Roelant-Wauson. I had something that I wanted to convey, but I wasn’t exactly sure how I wanted it to look. So I described my thoughts to Rebecca and allowed her the artistic freedom to do what she does best, create a… Read more »
Protect Your Skin So It Can Protect You
In most of the United States, Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer. Sure the solstice is a few weeks away and the kids are still in school, but the pools are open and the shorts and flip flops have been moved to the front of the closet. More skin exposure means more… Read more »
Is Your Vacation A Pain?
With the weather getting warmer and the school year winding down, vacation planning is in full swing. If you’ve ever returned home from a vacation with a kink in your neck or a pain in the back that wasn’t there before, try these helpful tips this year to avoid some of the common pains of… Read more »
Anxious….how about a massage?
I’ve recently come across several articles on stress and anxiety in various massage publications. It’s no wonder that people are writing so much about it when, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 40 million adult Americans suffer from anxiety disorders. In one article, the top 4 sources of stress were identified as 1) Finances, 2)… Read more »
My Small Business Is A Healthy Workplace, Yours Can Be Too

Connective Touch Therapeutic Massage was recently recognized by the Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce as a Silver Level Healthy Workplace. This designation was based on the results of a survey of member companies of all sizes from solopreneurs to large corporations. The purpose of the survey was to gauge what types of wellness programs and services… Read more »
New Year, New….FSA?
January starts the new year for Flexible Spending Account contributions and distributions. While most health insurances don’t cover massage outside of a medical setting, you might be able to pay for your massage therapy sessions with your FSA funds. The IRS does not specifically identify Massage as a covered expense, but it doesn’t specifically exclude it… Read more »
Tidings of COMFORT and JOY
According to the carol, this is supposed to be the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year!” But for many, the holidays are a time of great stress. There are work/school related stressors with year-end projects wrapping up, office holiday parties and kids dance recitals to attend and shopping, don’t forget the shopping. With all of the hustle… Read more »
My Attitude Of Gratitude
With the Thanksgiving holiday in America, November is a time when people often focus on the concept of gratitude. You see it all over social media this time of year, people making a pledge to post 3 things daily for which they are grateful. It’s a wonderful practice, and I’m glad that we have a holiday that… Read more »
Autumn Is A Season, Flu Is Not!
A friend of mine, who is also in a health & wellness business had a sign posted on her Facebook page the other day that read “Flu is NOT a season.” It went on to imply that the so-called flu season is not a time when the flu bugs develop super powers to infect, but… Read more »