At Connective Touch Therapeutic Massage, our mission is to help you attain and maintain your optimum sense of health and well-being. We provide massage therapy to a diverse clientele, ranging from premature infants, to competitive athletes, to expectant mothers and active seniors. With specialties in Sports massage, Prenatal massage & Thai massage, and over 20 years of massage therapy experience, we are able to tailor each session to your specific needs.
Connective Touch Therapeutic Massage is conveniently located just off of Mt. Rose Highway, in the Wedge Parkway Professional Center (use the Nevada Investment Management entrance).
I hope you will take a moment to peruse the website and read the blog posts to get to know more about Connective Touch. Please Like & Follow the Connective Touch Facebook Page to get up to date information about what is happening at the office, links to articles and tips on self-care.
If you have specific questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me either by email at meaghan@connectivetouchmassage.com or by phone at (703) 568-2010.
I look forward to the opportunity to serve you soon,

Don’t forget to checkout my instructional video below and for more videos visit my Youtube channel by CLICKING HERE.