February is such a great month. You’ve got Valentine’s Day, which I like to refer to as “Honey” Day but not for the reason you may think. I call it Honey Day to remind me to start taking my daily spoonful of local honey, so that my pollen allergies aren’t so bad come Spring. Perhaps it is a folk remedy, but so far it has worked for me. Besides, what’s the risk in eating a spoonful of honey? Next, you’ve got President’s Day which besides celebrating the birthdays of a couple of this nations greatest Presidents, for some it’s a 3 day weekend. And this year is extra special because for two weeks we get to watch with awe and amazement some of the world’s most talented athletes as they compete on the Olympic stage.
Probably my most favorite thing about February is the weather. In the mid-Atlantic region February weather is crazy and unpredictable. It could be snowing today and then 65 degrees and sunny by the weekend. I have childhood memories of going sailing with my brother on an unusually warm February day, only to capsize and find that the water temperature didn’t change as fast as the air temperature, reminding me that it was indeed still Winter. As I type this, there is a snow storm in the forecast that is expected to dump 4-8″ in the area, yet just 10 days ago it was 60 degrees out and I was working in my yard in short sleeves. That one warm day got me so excited for Spring. I started looking through my gardening catalogs to order seeds and plants for my garden. I dusted off my bike and trainer and committed to use the rest of Winter to get in cycling shape for Spring. My legs aren’t too happy with me, but they’ll get over it.
I think Mother Nature knows exactly when we need a short break from the cold and gray to remind us that it will warm up again soon. I’ve noticed more activity on the local running/cycling trails. I’ve seen more people in the gym sticking to their resolutions. Regardless of what the Groundhog says, Spring is just around the corner. Whether you are inspired by the athletes in Sochi, or the occasional warm day triggered a bout of Spring fever, if February has you peaking out from hibernation and getting active, Connective Touch Therapeutic Massage can help you quiet those muscles that would like to crawl back in their den, like the groundhog. (Conveniently located just a mile off the W&OD Trail in Reston).