Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021
This time of year I often write about resolutions, intentions and goals. But this year I want to focus more on mindset and how we can use it to stay focused on what we want to achieve. Statistically, the majority of us who make New Year’s Resolutions admit to giving up on them part way through the year. Then we make the same resolution the next year. If we’re making the same resolution, obviously it is important to us, so why do we give up?
Perfect Becomes The Enemy of Good
There are many variations of this concept, and I think it is a large factor in why so many people give up on resolutions. We make specific, measurable goals with absolute timelines. This is great for giving us a clear set of directions. But if we encounter a road block along the way, it becomes easier to cancel the trip than look for a detour.
Ocean Robbins, author of 31 Day Food Revolution, uses this concept frequently when working with people who are trying to transition to a plant-based diet. He uses the example of organic versus conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. While he encourages eating organic or wild-harvested, he acknowledges that not everyone has access to these foods. So he says, “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” Conventionally grown fruits and veggies are better than none at all.
All or Something
One of my favorite wellness professionals, Bree Argetsinger, aka The Betty Rocker, uses this concept in her approach to fitness and nutrition. So many times we allow the “All or Nothing” approach to derail us from our goals. If I don’t have time in my day for an hour workout, well then I just don’t have time to workout. But she encourages an “All or Something” approach. 10 minutes is better than nothing. It gets me further down the road toward my goals. And it reinforces positivity rather than negativity.
So this year I challenge myself to not let perfect be the enemy of good. I will strive for my goals, and adopt an All or Something attitude rather than letting a missed benchmark crush my resolve.