I just read an interesting article about a different approach to New Year’s Resolutions. The article identified a high rate of resolution “failure” as a major reason many people don’t make resolutions. Apparently only 40% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions. And only 8-10% of those report success in keeping them. The author suggests that rather than making a specific resolution i.e. to lose 10 pounds, you chose 3 words to represent things you want to improve upon in the coming year.
My first thought was this goes against everything I have learned about goals and objectives being specific and measureable. But I realized that there are certain broad themes for potential improvement in multiple areas of my life. From those broad themes I can make specific goals.
Take the word CONSOLIDATION for example.
In my personal life a main area where I need to CONSOLIDATE is in my home. We have lived in the same house for over 10 years and have accumulated 10 years worth of stuff. I joke with my husband that I could live in a tiny house, as long as I could rent a storage unit for all of my stuff. In reality I probably only use about 25% (maybe even less) of the stuff I have accumulated.
In my professional life, I have to work to CONSOLIDATE my energies. There are so many things I would like to do professionally that I have a tendency to get scattered. With my love of hospitality and customer service, I have often thought of running a Bed & Breakfast. Specializing in sports massage, I have thought of working with a professional sports team. Running a B&B requires you to stay in one place, while working for a pro sports team involves loads of travel. Combining passions for massage therapy, hydrotherapy and aromatherapy, I have dreamt of opening a traditional European-style health spa. I love teaching about massage and it’s benefits and have thought of becoming a massage instructor. I can’t do all of those jobs and have a private practice at the same time. But I can figure out ways to CONSOLIDATE elements of each those interests into my daily practice.
For those of you who still like specific and measureable, in my personal quest toward CONSOLIDATION I resolve to make at least one donation of household items each month to Goodwill. And professionally, I resolve to complete my Aromatherapy Certification Program and mentor ONE massage therapy student this year.
At Connective Touch Therapeutic Massage, the focus will be on CONSOLIDATION, ADVENTURE & DISCIPLINE. So what are your 3 words?