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It Takes A Pandemic

I’ve notice the phrase “Now More Than Ever” (NMTE) showing up a lot these days, in advertising, on social media and in the news. Be Kind To Each Other NMTE, Wash Your Hands NMTE, Get a Good Night’s Sleep NMTE, Eat Healthy and Exercise NMTE, Take Care of Yourself NMTE, Manage Your Stress NMTE etc. The great thing is that in response to COVID-19, people seem to be enthusiastically adopting these behaviors. But aren’t these the kinds of things we should be doing always to take care of ourselves and our community? 

Self Care is Not Selfish

This is a lesson that I continuously try to reinforce to my clients, friends & family members, and to myself.  We can only be as good to others as we are to ourselves. As a result of the coronavirus, people have taken on multiple new roles.  Parents have had to become teachers while still trying to do their day jobs. Children have had to learn entirely new ways of learning. People who often eat out have figured out how to cook.  And everyone, even my 88 year old dad, has learned how to Zoom.  There has been an increase in stress, for sure. But at the same time, many have slowed down a bit and stopped to smell the proverbial roses.  Families are cooking meals together and going for evening walks.  Creativity has been flowing through hilarious videos of kids and pets, DIY videos on everything from cooking, gardening, auto repair, fitness…even tennis ball self-massage.😊 People are taking advantage of a forced slowdown to do things they’ve been meaning/wanting to do.  We’re taking time to take care of ourselves.  And that is fantastic!

Will We Remember the Lesson?

My hope is that as we start to return to whatever new normal looks like, we will continue to take care of ourselves–not NMTE, but now AND forever.


Slainte!   (an Irish toast to health)


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